the burning bridge

2016 - steel and copper wire, glass, silicone caulk, found objects

In late 2015 I had shingles. By the time I figured out what it was, it was too late for antivirals. I rode it out with the help of ibuprofen and lots of naps. When neither of those worked, sometimes I made a conscious choice to disappear into the pain. It was oddly spacious in there. After I recovered, I made a sculpture about it.

The red and orange things are flattened bottle caps. I am not a fan of beer, so I asked people to save their caps for me). The blue things are blobs of silicone caulk rolled in glass frit (something I learned from Lanny Bergner):

Here is a view of her from the floor of my studio, where I used to like to practice yoga. Maybe it gives a better sense of how watery she feels.