bad signal

2015 - steel, copper, brass, wool, found objects

Photo by Lynn Bohannon:

Not long after I made this one, I discovered an infestation of wool-eating moths in my studio. Horrible news, as I'd been using a lot of wool in my sculptures. This one has a felted wool heart. Here it is before the infestation:

And here it is after I coated the wool with fabric stiffener to make it unappealing to the moths (or actually the larvae, as the moths themselves have no mouths):

Here's a peek at the zig-zaggy wires, still on the plaster form:

And here's the top half after I cut it off the form and stitched it back together:

There are a lot of little found objects on this one. Here are a few of them (clockwise from upper left: a Fimo skull made by a friend, a carved bone button, a pendant made by me, and a little jingle bell that I pried open):